TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR USING duxedmedia.com; duxedmedia.co.za and eBeeldskool.co.za website.
This is an agreement. Please read this carefully as it explains you and our rights and obligations to each other. You should contact DuxEdMedia / Beeldskool if you do not understand any part of this agreement. When will this agreement apply to you?
If you use or have access to this website, these terms and conditions of use ("the agreement") will apply. It forms an agreement between you and Duxedmedia / Beeldskool / Beeld in Education and / or partners / subsidiaries (or “us" or “we”) (furthermore the term Duxedmedia is used which includes Beeldskool / e-Beeldskool / Beeld in Education / sponsors as well as partners / branch). This agreement applies regardless of how or where you access this website. You must not use this website if you do not wish to be bound by this agreement. Our sponsors may apply their own terms and conditions.
When does this site apply?
This website applies to users in South Africa according to South African law.
DuxEdMedia reserves the right to exclude users in other countries, or to expand the list from time to time. You have permission to use this website for your personal use in South Africa. We grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to view the information on this site. This website is intended for use in the above country only.
If you are in another country that falls outside the above list, the above right lapses. You may not use this website without our permission.
Under no circumstances may you reproduce the content of the website in any form. You may also not reproduce or trade our learning materials, materials, or any other material or product. You must obtain our permission before making a link to the Website or using any part for commercial purposes.
You are not permitted to use or reproduce any portion or emblems, or products of this site, for which you do not have permission. You may also not access any part of the Website for which you have not obtained express written permission. You may not link any unauthorised systems or networks to the Website to gain access to such. Nothing on this site is an offer to you, You are permitted to purchase any items or products and programs on it for your sole use or temporary use. Purchased items / products on the Website may not be reproduced unless you have obtained the express written permission of DuxEdMedia.
Please note that certain products and services on the Website will not be available in your country or language. If you breach (or breach the Agreement), we may terminate your right to access and use our Website. DuxEdMedia may modify this Agreement at any time. It is your responsibility to regularly review this Agreement for changes. If you continue to use the Website after changes have been published, it means that you have accepted and agreed to such changes.
Intellectual property on the website includes copyright, but is not limited to copyright. No part, or product, may be used for commercial purposes and is therefore only for personal use. Any product available for download and or physically shipped to you is protected by copyright. Third parties, their websites, products or services, even if we post a link to their website, DuxEdMedia cannot be held responsible for it, should you suffer any loss as a result. Should there be any link to other sites, it does not imply that DuxEdMedia endorses the content or products or their owners or covers them under these terms. This also applies to any advertisement linking to the DuxEdMedia website. We have no control over other sites and consequently have no legal liability for them should you incur any loss (directly or indirectly) from the use of such sites. It remains your responsibility to read the terms and conditions of other websites and their products. Should you have access to third party websites, you agree that you do so at your own risk. Additional terms and conditions may apply should you purchase goods or services from the website or related sites.
We are not legally liable for your hardware or software that is not suitable (or defective) for the use of this website. Should your hardware or software be unfit, you may be exposed to greater risks.
Consumer protection: We respect your privacy.
By filling out any form, we obtain your contact details. We use the information to contact you for further marketing of our products and to determine your satisfaction with our products. It will in no way be provided to other third parties. Should a third party obtain it illegally, we are not liable for it. Should we use mass email services, you reserve the right to unregister thereon. Alternatively you can contact us. You use the website at your own risk While we have taken care to ensure that the content of this website is accurate, this website is provided "as is" and your use of the website is entirely at your own risk.
As a result, DuxEdMedia and its officials, directors, employees, employees, affiliates, shareholders, agents, consultants or employees will not be liable for the following: Any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages or loss of any kind, regardless of how it was caused, and whether it arose under a legal contract, or wrongful act or otherwise, because you use this website or the used information on the website, or because you cannot use the website.
You agree to indemnify DuxEdMedia for any such loss or damage. Notwithstanding the foregoing, DuxEdMedia will not be liable for any of the following:
• Any interruption, malfunction, downtime or other failure of the Website or any online services, our system, database or any of its components, for reasons beyond our control.
• Any loss or damage to the customer's data or other data directly or indirectly caused by the malfunction of our system, third party systems, power outages, illegal access to or theft of data, computer viruses or destructive codes on our system or third parties party systems; programming defects.
• Any interruption, malfunction, downtime or other failure of goods or services provided by third parties, including, without limitation, third party systems such as publicly appointed telecommunications service providers, internet service providers, electricity providers, local authorities and certification authorities.
• Any event over which we have no direct control
This clause makes a provision for indemnification of DuxEdMedia's officials, directors, employees, servants, affiliates, shareholders, agents, consultants or employees. DuxEdMedia may change this website or any portion of the content at any time without notice. DuxEdMedia may suspend, discontinue, or restrict the use of the Website or any portion of the Website at any time without notice. This website may not be available from time to time due to routine maintenance or emergency repairs or due to the unavailability of an electricity, telecommunication system, or networks.
You give your consent that we may monitor your use of the website. We may monitor your use of the Website for the following reasons:
• To ensure that users do not act illegally, or in violation of this agreement
• maintain the integrity and security of our website and our information technology
• To investigate and detect any unauthorised use of our website and information technology
• ensure the effective operation of our website and information technology.
General: Your use of this website will be governed by and construed in accordance with South African law. By using this website, you agree that a dispute in the South African courts will only deal with a dispute or matter that arises between you and us, as a result of, or in connection with the use of this website.
While we give you time to comply with our requirements or decide not to exercise some of our rights, you must not accept that this means that our agreement with you / others has changed, or that it no longer is applicable. We may still insist on the strict application of any or all of our rights at a later stage. If a court finds that any of the clauses in this agreement are not enforceable, the remaining provisions will still be valid and the remainder of the agreement and rules will still apply.
The user / consumer of our services is responsible for their own data and hardware to be compatible with our services. Beeldskool/DuxEdMedia and its subsidiaries take no responsibility for incompatible data and hardware. Check the guidelines for hardware and software minimum requirements for our online classes and services on the appropriate web pages.
If you click on any link and or anywhere on the website (s) accept any of our terms and conditions, it is considered a digital signature and you are therefore legally responsible and legally liable. We can accept no excuse or responsibility where children fill out forms digitally. It remains the parent's responsibility to educate their children in the correct use of digital media and to supervise their use of digital media. The parent remains legally accountable and responsible under all circumstances for their children's online activities.
If the USER / CONSUMER of the website gives an indication on the registration forms (in whatever format) that a payment will take place, or indicates a payment date, or undertakes to make a payment, it is a legal agreement and will be handled accordingly in any dispute.
Should you in any way obtain our study material in any form, you remain legally liable and responsible for the costs involved. Should you obtain it illegally, you could be prosecuted. Should you distribute or sell any material that you obtained legally or illegally and in excess, such user or consumer will be held legally liable and responsible for costs.
All our titles, trademarks and learning materials in whatever form, have and retain copyright.
The owners of the website / programs and subsidiaries reserve the right to report all illegal and unauthorised activities regarding the use of this website to internet providers (ISP, Google and social media providers, and other providers of electronic access) and authorities.
At the same time, anyone who uses the website, open it, or enters into agreements or press or sends any link, declares that they are not a minor. Minors may not disclose personal information on the website. Where parents register learners and provide learner information, Duxedmedia will not disclose it to any party unless it is to the benefit of the learner. You provide the information at your own risk and voluntarily and reserve the right to restrict or withhold information. We have done everything in our power to protect you and your child's information. We do disclose your child's name to the Beeldskool presenters for control and security reasons. Under no circumstances may you and your child contact Beeldskool presenters directly or provide contact details, unless you have obtained our permission. By participating in our programs, using our services and registering your child, you give us your permission to monitor your child's attendance and participation and follow up with your child and or yourself regarding participation and attendance.
It remains your responsibility as a parent to oversee your child's online activities. Duxedmedia cannot accept any responsibility for it, or the misuse thereoff. And by using the website, you release us from any consequences that you or your child may suffer by abusing online activities and abusing the website and other websites we own.
Zoom, our medium of instruction, requires parental supervision over the use of the Zoom platform where minors are involved. You release Duxedmedia from any damage or loss (of any kind) if you use or misuse the Website and Zoom. There is no connection between us and the Zoom platform, except that it is the platform of Beeldskool teaching.
By marking any block or clicking button on the website, the user of the website declares: (1) that the user has completely ascertained him/her with the costs involved by registering as indicated at the bottom of web pages or elsewhere, (2) The user is fully authorized to make online transactions in accordance with the laws of South Africa and International laws where applicable (3) That the user is not a minor, and if so, the user's parents will be held responsible for any costs, ( 3) This is a legal digital agreement and digital signature made by the user, by marking / clicking / pressing any link or any other button, (4) That the user has thoroughly acquainted himself / herself with all the terms and conditions on the page and elsewhere on the website, that the user has read it and connects to it by marking blocks and pressing the send buttons, (5) The user has read the costs at the bottom of the page and agrees with Beeld in education to pay during registration when the user presses the send button, to pay any other services rendered or product provided to the user, to Beeld in Education, (6) That if Beeld in Education would incur any costs due to this registration by pressing the send button, the user will be held responsible for such costs.
If any entry is canceled, it must be officially done by email, otherwise the user / consumer remains responsible for costs. These terms of use will be used in any dispute in conjunction with other terms and conditions on the website and the consumer legislation.
Should there appear to be any discrepancies with information on any other web page, these terms of use will be used in any dispute and referred to. If you do not accept this, you must immediately stop using the website and our other websites.
The Afrikaans version will be used in dispute resolution.